Your archetypes point to who you are. Translating their purpose in your life is a skill I have learned through years of mediumship as an “artist as archetypal translator”.


The Wisdom of Archetypes: Who Am I?


Identifying your 12 personal archetypes is powerful because they speak to you through both your body and mind in the form of dreams, visions, stories, art, music, metaphors and myths. Archetypes are the building blocks of a symbolic language understood and shared by all people throughout history. They teach you that what is invisible inside of you made conscious, is more powerful and mysterious when converted to action in the visible world. As an archetypal translator I am able to clarify the patterns and pieces of your personal history into a more meaningful, overall perspective. I can also decode or channel insights during our session that is useful to your daily life. The work I do is very similar to being a translator or interpreter. 

My goal is to help you enrich your life with self-knowledge so you have the confidence to create your life in a way that is perfect for you. A reading not only gives you more clarity, but will also teach you how to listen to your own inner voice of wise guidance.

You will also discover clues that help you move into the deeper, relational realms of meaning about yourself, another and God(dess). By learning more about yourself and your destiny, you are able to answer the questions that are specific to your life situation and also understand more of life’s greatest mysteries. 


How Your Darkness Can Show You the Light.

I will reveal to you the actions and decisions you need to make in order to embark on your most meaningful life path. Sometimes your darkness can show you the light.

Archetypes are like pieces of a puzzle; when understood as a whole, they help you see the essence of your life and how you are interconnected within the current historical context of world events. Knowing who you are will help you answer questions like: “What is the purpose of my life? How do I redesign my life to be congruent with who I really am? Why do I always get stuck with this kind of relationship, situation, or career? What is stopping me from having what I really want in my life? How can I make better decisions to feel healthier and happier? 

You do have a choice, from moment-to-moment, to create the abundance you deserve in your life right now. The more aware you are of who you are, the more aligned your life choices will be with your own personal vision of happiness. Remember, one of the greatest gifts of any difficult life experience, is it helps you remember who you are and what you want but were afraid to live. 

Why were you born? A verbal coaching session or written analysis is a snapshot of your greatest gifts, talents and charisma in this lifetime as well as your soul’s challenges and lessons to be learned in order for you to come in alignment with your highest potential and life’s purpose and meaning. How you interpret the world reveals the answers to the big questions you have been searching for your whole life. Remembering how powerful you really are is life changing! One-on-one sessions will focus you on the possible hidden patterns that disempower you. It is not a comprehensive analysis of all the aspects of your personality but we discuss your concerns and the questions you have indicated in your initial 1 1/2 hour session. To cover all aspects of yourself would be impossible since there are so many aspects to who you are.



Goddess – Female archetype of passion and power.
Healer – Healing the emotional, mental or physical well being of another.
Saint – A martyr in service to the higher good.
Mediator –  Bringing parties together for the greater good.
Clown – Humor is your number one way to success.
Pioneer – New ideas and adventure is always just around the corner.


Who is my greatest potential soulmate?

What is my highest potential?

Why do I attract certain people?

What are my special talent's and gifts that can serve both myself and others?

Why do I keep facing the same challenges and how do I break these negative patterns in my life?