Complete Life Purpose Consultation 3 1/2 Hours


Complete Life Purpose Consultation 3 1/2 Hours


Your 3 1/2 Hour Life Purpose Consultation Includes:
- An initial 1 1/2 hour personal telephone call or in-person (San Diego) review to identify your main personality archetypes. You will learn everything you need to know about your personal life patterns and why you do what you do.
- Complete Life Purpose chart emailed to you. This will be a road map you can use for all your future decisions.
- A follow-up 2 hour verbal analysis of your life purpose and Life Purpose chart. This will give you clarity as to why you are stuck and how to move forward in a more empowering way.
- A Life Purpose mission statement to remind you of why you are on the life path you are on.
- Email follow-up coaching if needed, to answer any remaining questions you may have.

I can conduct business in-person, over the telephone, or through texting and email. All hourly charges will apply.

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A verbal consultation is designed to help you remember how powerful you really are! It will also focus on the possible hidden patterns that disempower you. It is not a comprehensive analysis of all the aspects of your personality. It briefly touches on the concerns and the questions you have indicated in your initial 2 hour coaching session. To cover all aspects of each archetype would be impossible since there are so many aspects to each. You are a co-participant in selecting your archetypes and the information you want to focus on in your analysis. This is not a psychic reading.